Zero Waste Hiking Essentials
We hiked something like five miles in three hours (yes, my legs are still very, very sore) and spent most of that time chatting away about everything and nothing. It was a really great chance to catch up with each other while enjoying Auburn’s beauty. Since this hike was longer and a bit more strenuous than our previous hike, I decided to be prepared with the essentials. I think it’s pretty neat that they all ended up being zero waste because I didn’t even have that in mind as I packed everything up. It just goes to show how small steps really can add up!
my winter 2017 capsule wardrobe color palette + uniform
I’ve officially been doing the capsule wardrobe project for a year! This winter’s capsule is my fifth and I’m super excited about it!
I decided to base my process on Anushka’s capsule wardrobe building methods this time. Basically, I examined what my favorite outfits and go-to pieces in my closet were and created a uniform and color palette from those elements.
Camel Sweater + Green Jeans
I read somewhere that limits spark creativity. I think I’ve always heard it in reference to financial limits or time constraints, but I think the idea works with capsule wardrobes, too. 37 items. One season. It basically forces you to get creative!
I got a call last week from a number I didn’t recognize. I usually screen these calls but I’d been on the job hunt and I forced myself to pick up the phone. It was from a possible employer! I set the interview for the next morning.